Course Title

Therapeutic Philosophy

Course Status


Academic Staff Prof. Dr. Metin BAL

Department of Philosophy, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Letters, Tinaztepe Campus,

Postal Code: 35370 , Izmir TURKEY, Tel: ++ 90 (232) 412 79 03  - , Fax: ++ 90 (232) 453 90 93

 E-mail:  Web:


Course Level

Course Code




DEU Credits

Weekly Course Hours




6 / Spring









Instruction Language


Course Teaching System: (Distance learning/ formal education)

Formal education



Prerequisite to


Course Objective:

The main objective of this course  is to present and analyse the philosophical means, methods and theories that are thought to be helpful to understand “psyche" (soul, spirit, mind, etc.). This approach will give psychologists or psychotherapists a philosophical hand to touch on “psyche”. This course aims to broaden psychologists’ and psychotherapists’ viewpoints  in a philosophical way in order to develop a multidimensional approach in the analysis of the concepts that occupy an important place in the history of philosophy such as “pathos”, “pain”, “experience”, “truth”, “reality”, “hope”, “fear”, “nature”, “health”, “will”, “desire”, “cure”, “madness”, “node”, “code”, “dialogue”, “loss”, “death”, etc.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to

  1. describe in a philosophical way modes of the state of mind  sensed by the people mentally healty,
  2. make understandable and experienceable the psychic motion of human being by using philosophical means,
  3. use philosophical means in order to constitute multidimensional perspective to look carefully at the motions of psyche,
  4. be conscious of philosophical concepts, methods and theories that may help therapy,
  5. follow at an international level the recent searches made on the subject of therapeutic philosophy.


Learning and Teaching Strategies:

Lecture, Presentation, Discussion, Review the literature.

Week Topics

“Therapeutic philosophy” from the ancient times to the contemporary world.


Disregard of the pathos and anaesthetic thought: Plato’s Symposium


Philosophical hermeneutics: Dilthey


Phenomenology and Edmund Husserl - Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Martin Heidegger - Phenomenological Ontology Jean-Paul Sartre


Human mind as a “mirror of nature” in modern philosophy: Descartes, Locke and Kant.


State of therapeutic thinking at the present time.


Midterm exam

  Social Unconscious in T.S. Eliot's and Edmund Burke's Works

Nietzsche and return to life


Absurd and the other. Camus’ Plague as an example of a therapy.


Sartre and transformation of human existence.


“Truth” as a social practice: Dewey


An Attepmt to Understand the "Nature" and the "Life of Human Being" with the "Third Culture" That Would Be Constructed Against the "Two-Culture Gap" By the Help of "Dialogue" and "Cultural Discourse": C.P. Snow and Richard Rorty.


Philosophical mapping of human being as a psychic being in the late 20th and early 21th century: Foucault and Jameson.


Final Exam


Textbooks and course materials: 

"Terapötik Varolana Felsefi Açıdan Bakış", Ado Huygens, Belçika Dasein-analiz 

          Merkezi Başkanı, Bibliotech, Felsefe, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı: 10 Yıl: 5,  

           Kasım/Aralık  2009, Ankara. ss. 61-63.

Platon (2012) Phaidon, Ruh Üzerine, Yunancadan çeviren Nazile Kalaycı, İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayıncılık.

Platon (2007) Symposion, Yunancadan çeviren: Eyüp Çoraklı, İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi.

Burke, Edmund  (2008) Yüce ve Güzel Kavramlarımızın Kaynağı Hakkında Felsefi Bir Soruşturma, çev. Barış Gümüşbaş, Ankara: BilgeSu.

"Heidegger's Reading of Aristotle's Concept of Pathos", Marjolein Oele (2012) Philosophy, Paper 18.

Derrida, Jacques (2012) Platon'un Eczanesi, çeviren: Zeynep Direk, İstanbul: Pinhan Yayıncılık.

Aristoteles (2000) Ruh Üzerine, çev. Doç. Dr. Zeki Özcan, İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.

Knuuttila, Simo & Sihvola, Juha (2014) Sourcebook for the History of the Philosophy of Mind, Philosophical Psychology from Plato to Kant, New York: Springer.

Owen, Ian Rory (2006) Psychoterapy and Phenomenology, on Freud, Husserl and Heidegger, New York: iUniverse, Inc.

Jameson, Fredric (2008) Postmodernism or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, London: Verso.

Bloch, Ernst (2012) Umut İlkesi II, çev. Tanıl Bora, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.

Özlü, Tezer (2006) Yaşamın Ucuna Yolculuk, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.

Sigmund Koch, "Psychological Science versus the Science-Humanism Antinomy: Intimations of a Significant Science of Man", American Psychologist 16: 629-639.

“Tuhaf Üçgen: Kant, Nietzsche ve Freud”, Çev. Metin Bal, Pınar Talaslıoğlu ve Büke Okyay, “V. Bölüm”, Zoraki Filozof Freud, Alfred I. Tauber. Bibliotech, Felsefe, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2012, 15 Şubat-15 Nisan, Sayı: 16, Yıl: 5, ss. 32-47.

Hutter, Horst & Friedland, Eli (2013) Nietzsche's Therapeutic Teaching, For Individuals and Culture, London: Bloomsbury.

Boethius (2006) Felsefenin Tesellisi, çev. Çiğdem Dürüşken, İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi.

Hölderlin (1990) Hyperion veya Yunanistanda Bir Yalnız I, çev. Melahat Togar, İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları.

Sartre, Jean-Paul (1953) Existential Psychoanalysis, İng. çev. ve Giriş Hazel E. Barnes, New York: Philosophical Library.

Foucault, Michel (2001) Yapısalcılık ve Postyapısalcılık, çev. Ümit Umaç - Ali Utku, İstanbul: Birey Yayıncılık.

Diderot, Denis (1986) Jacques The Fatalist And His Master, tr. by Michael Henry with an Introduction and Notes by Martin Hall, London: Penguin Books.

            Nietzsche’nin "Tanrı Öldü" Sözü ve Dünya Resimleri Çağı, Heidegger, Martin.  

            Çev. Levent Özşar. Bursa: Asa Kitabevi.

Phenomenology”, Edmund Husserl, Article for the Encyclopedia Britannica (1927) in Mc. Peter and Elliston, A. (ed. 1981) Husserl’s Shorter Works, revised translation by Richard E. Palmer Cormick, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. ss. 21-35.)

“Metafiziğin onto-teo-lojik inşası”, Heidegger, Martin. Bkz. Heidegger ve Teoloji, derleyen: Ahmet Demirhan. İnsan Yayınları.

Heidegger  (2009) Metafizik Nedir? (Was Ist Metaphysik?) çev. Yusuf Örnek, Ankara:Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu.

Ruhçözümlemesine Giriş Konferansları, Freud, Sigmund (1998) çev. Emre Kapkın-Ayşen Kapkın, İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.

Derrida, Jacques (1994) Göstergebilim ve Gramatoloji, AFA Felsefe Yazıları Ansiklopedisi, çev. Tülin Akşin, İstanbul: AFA Yayınları.

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